• 荷兰格罗宁根大学朱未教授报告 2023-08-01

    报告题目:Towards a Comprehensive Understanding of Ruin Theory: The Role of Fractional Differential Equations in Risk Modelling报告人:朱未教授报告摘要:This research presentation offers a novel exploration in the field of ruin theory, w...[详细]

  • 新泽西州立⼤学罗格斯⼤学谢敏⾰教授报告 2023-07-17

    报告题目:Repro Samples Method for Irregular Inference Problems and for Unraveling Machine Learning Blackboxes报告人:谢敏革教授报告摘要:Rapid data science developments require us to have new and revolutionary frameworks to tackle highl...[详细]

  • 加拿大阿尔伯塔大学孔令龙教授学术报告 2023-06-24

    报告题目:Word embeddings via causal inference: Gender bias reducing and semantic information preserving 报告人:孔令龙教授 报告摘要:With widening deployments of natural language processing (NLP) in daily life,inherited social biases fr...[详细]

  • 加拿大多伦多大学孔德含教授学术报告 2023-06-24

    报告题目: Causal Inference on Distribution Functions 报告人:孔德含教授 报告摘要:Understanding causal relationships is one of the most important goals of modern science. So far, the causal inference literature has focused almost exclus...[详细]

  • 北卡大学夏洛特分校蒋建成教授学术报告 2023-06-12

    报告题目:Non-nested model selection based on empirical likelihood ratio tests.报告人:蒋建成教授报告摘要:  We propose an empirical likelihood ratio (ELR) test for comparing any two supervised learning models, which may be nested, non-n...[详细]

  • 山东大学宋健教授学术报告 2023-05-23

    报告人:宋健教授报告时间:5月27日(周 六)下午15:00—16:00报告地点:必赢电子游戏网站211报告题目:Moments and asymptotics for a class of SPDEs with space-time white noise报告摘要:For a class of stochastic partial differential equations...[详细]

  • 统计机器学习与因果效应评估系列学术报告(2) 北京大学宋晓军副教授报告 2023-05-19

    报告题目:Checking the Adequacy of Quantile Regression Models报告人:宋晓军 副教授 (北京大学)报告时间:2023年5月31日上午 11:00-12:00报告地点:学院会议室213 报告摘要:We propose a new class of tests to evaluate the correct specification ...[详细]

  • 统计机器学习与因果效应评估系列学术报告(1) 香港大学于萍副教授报告 2023-05-19

    报告题目:Robust Inference for Misspecified Threshold Regression and Regression Tree Analysis报告人:于萍 副教授 (香港大学)报告时间:2023年5月31日上午 10:00-11:00报告地点:学院会议室213 报告摘要:In this paper, we develop the asymptotic...[详细]

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