• 重庆大学张志民教授学术报告 2022-12-08

    报告题目:Valuation of variable annuities with guaranteed minimum maturity benefits and periodic fees报告人:张志民报告摘要:This paper deals with the valuation of variable annuities with guaranteed minimum maturity benefits under a regi...[详细]

  • 云南财经大学喻达磊学术教授 2022-12-07

    报告题目:Frequentist model averaging for Poisson and zero-inflated Poisson regression models报告人:喻达磊教授报告摘要:This paper considers frequentist model averaging for estimating the unknown parameters in that have received widespr...[详细]

  • 上海师范大学吴鑑洪教授学术报告 2022-12-01

    报告题目: Estimation of high-dimensional factor models with multiple structural changes报告摘要:This study considers a high-dimensional factor model with an unknown number of breaks. A simple two-step procedure is proposed for determin...[详细]

  • 中南财经政法大学蒋永生教授学术报告 2022-11-30

    报告题目:Sharp functional inequalities associated with the Lp dual curvature measures. 报告人:蒋永生报告摘要:The Lp dual curvature measures were recently introduced by Lutwak et al. (Adv Math 329:85-132, 2018) to unify the classical t...[详细]

  • University of North Carolina at Charlotte蒋建成教授报告 2022-11-29

    报告题目:Nonnested model selection based on empirical likelihood报告人:蒋建成报告摘要:In this talk we propose an empirical likelihood ratio (ELR) test for comparing any two supervised learning models, where the competing models may be...[详细]

  • 中国科学院张新雨研究员学术报告 2022-11-23

    报告题目: Optimal parameter-transfer learning by semiparametric model averaging报告人:张新雨研究员报告摘要:In this article, we focus on the prediction for a target model by transferring the information of source models. To be flexible...[详细]

  • 南开大学李津竹教授学术报告 2022-11-15

    题目:Asymptotic Results of Tail Moment and Tail Central Moment for Dependent Risks摘要:Consider a financial or insurance system with a finite number of individual risks described by real-valued random variables. We focus on two kinds o...[详细]

  • 华东师范大学危佳钦教授学术报告 2022-11-15

    题目:Mean-Variance Portfolio Selection with Stochastic Dominance Constraints摘要:This talk is concerned with a mean-variance portfolio selection problem with first and second order stochastic dominance constraints in complete markets. ...[详细]

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